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Dr.Seanglidet Yean

Research Fellow NTU

She was 1 of the 2 Cambodian students who were awarded a 4-years Singapore Scholarship in 2011 to study for the Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science at Nanyang Technological
University (NTU, Singapore). Upon completing her undergraduate specializing in intelligence systems and high performing computing in 2015, she was awarded the 4-year scholarship for the
PhD research program and later completed her PhD degree in Computer Science at the same school (NTU, Singapore).
From 2020, she has been a Research Fellow (Cognitive and AI) at Singtel Cognitive and Artificial Intelligence Lab for Enterprises @ NTU (SCALE@NTU). Her research interest includes signal
processing, navigation system fusing with the intelligence system, and multidisciplinary projects under the umbrella of well-being (future healthcare).

Dr.Seanglidet Yean
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